Tag: Wayforward - Page 3

  • News Mighty Milky Way Hits DSiWare on Monday

    Planet-hopping fun is almost here

    WayForward has just announced that their newest release Mighty Milky Way will be coming to the North American DSiWare service on Monday, May 9th. The game will cost you 800 Nintendo Points, but considering the developer's track record on the service, it would seem a small price to pay. We'll have a full review of...

  • News Mighty Milky Way Takes to the Stars on 9th May

    800 Points at the ready

    WayForward's next DSiWare title is Mighty Milky Way, and it's coming to North America on 9th May for 800 Nintendo Points. The new game from the creators of the acclaimed Shantae: Risky's Revenge is a sequel of sorts to Mighty Flip Champs, as the game's director Sean Velasco explained in our Mighty Milky Way interview:

  • News WayForward Talks 3DS Shantae Possibilities

    Sounds eager

    Shantae: Risky's Revenge is the best thing on DSiWare and, according to Metacritic, the best game released on DS last year, a stunning achievement indeed. With the 3DS available now, WayForward's Matt Bozon has touched on plans to bring the half-genie into the third dimension in an interview with CVG. While there was no official...

  • News WayForward Drawing Up Spongebob Game for uDraw and 3DS

    No more Mr Squarepants

    THQ's uDraw GameTablet is causing quite a stir in North America where it's proved hard to find for many, and it's sure to sell bucketloads more once THQ's next title for the tablet, SpongeBob Squigglepants hits the shelves. Developed by WayForward – A Boy and His Blob, Shantae: Risky's Revenge and so on – the game will...

  • Interviews WayForward - Mighty Milky Way

    Sean Velasco talks Mighty Milky Way

    We've already seen WayForward release some of the best DSiWare titles the service has seen to date, but now the company is getting set to release the pseudo-sequel to their first DSiWare hit Mighty Flip Champs. And while Mighty Milky Way shares many of the traits of its predecessor, it's actually a completely...

  • News Shantae Not Coming to Australian DSiWare Next Week

    Down, under, over and out

    The other day we reported on Shantae's European release date but we were unsure if that release date applied to Australia. Now we are sure: it doesn't. The official Shantae Twitter account broke the bad news that the game will not reach Australia on Friday, February 11th, the date the download hits European download stores...

  • News WayForward's Next DSiWare Game is Mighty Milky Way

    ESRB outs galactic title

    WayForward has created some of DSiWare's finest titles – in fact, Shantae: Risky's Revenge is the only game on the service awarded a 10/10 score – so the ESRB's rating of a new title from the studio should get your thumbs standing to attention. Called Mighty Milky Way, it's an action-puzzle game involving portals,...

  • News Shantae Shimmying to Europe in a Few Weeks' Time

    Three to eight, to be precise

    European DSi owners' long wait to play Shantae: Risky's Revenge is nearly over: the game will be out in three to eight weeks, according to WayForward. A message posted on the company's Twitter account reveals the game has just been submitted to Nintendo Europe, and barring any hold-ups the game should be available...

  • News Shantae Soundtrack Doing Great, Thanks to You

    Yes, you

    We may never know if Shantae: Risky's Revenge sells as well as WayForward hoped, what with strict limitations on the discussion of sales figures, but one aspect of the game that's definitely doing better than expected is the original soundtrack. Released at the end of September, the soundtrack by Jake "virt" Kaufman is up there...

  • Interviews WayForward - Shantae: Risky's Revenge

    Matt Bozon talks about his long-awaited sequel

    After an eight year absence, WayForward's half-genie has finally come out of the bottle for her brand new sequel just released on Nintendo's DSiWare service. Shantae: Risky's Revenge captures all of the unique gameplay of the original and expands upon it with all new magical powers and animal...

  • News WayForward Not Working on A Boy and His Blob for 3DS After All

    But is another studio?

    Back in June, when the 3DS was revealed, Nintendo released a long list of games on their way to the system, with Majesco's A Boy and His Blob right at the top of the list (alphabetically speaking, anyway). Now developer WayForward has confirmed it's not currently working on the title, and that the announcement of the game was...

  • News Shantae: Risky's Revenge Soundtrack Now Available

    And the tunes won't break your wallet either

    If you're one of the ones anxiously awaiting next week's release of Shantae: Risky's Revenge on DSiWare, the kind folks at Wayforward have a little treat to help tide you over. The full soundtrack of the game is now available for download and the interesting (and rather generous) twist is that you can...

  • News Exclusive Sneak Peek at Shantae Fan Club Mailer

    WayForward also confirms that DSiWare release is the complete game!

    The nice folks at WayForward Technologies were kind enough to give Nintendo Life an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming Shantae Fan Club mailer that will be sent out soon. It seems gamers who already own Mighty Flip Champs are in for a little treat when they purchase Shantae:...

  • News Shantae: Risky's Revenge Coming October 4th

    The much-anticipated platformer is on its way

    WayForward has just announced that its brand new DSiWare platformer Shantae: Risky's Revenge is headed to the DSiWare service in North America on October 4th. We'll keep you posted on any news on the title and we'll have a full review shortly after its release early next month. We've also got an...

  • Interviews WayForward - Batman: The Brave and the Bold

    Developers open up about new Wii and DS titles

    WayForward have had their hands in quite a number of licensed releases over the years, but it's their upcoming Batman: The Brave and the Bold titles that have been garnering a lot of attention as of late. With the Wii and DS versions of the game set for release in North America on September 7th and in...

  • News Now You Can Follow Shantae Wherever You Are

    Via Twitter, that is

    The wait for Shantae: Risky's Revenge is proving too much to bear for some. If you're one of those folks desperate to get their hands on the genie's goods, you might want to direct some of your enthusiasm and impatience to the official Shantae Twitter account. As you'd expect, the genie's first tweets have been explaining...

  • News Official Shantae: Risky's Revenge Site Updated

    Could this mean a release is coming soon?

    Wayforward has completely updated their Official Shantae: Risky's Revenge Site for all of you Shantae fans to check out. It was actually one of our members that discovered the site a few weeks back, but now the site has a bit more content on it, including the game's official gameplay trailer. We'll keep you...

  • News Shantae is Nearly Finished but Not Submitted

    It won't be out for weeks

    Although there was no DSiWare or WiiWare on display at Nintendo's E3 booth this year, IGN met up with WayForward's Matt Bozon to get some hands-on time with Shantae: Risky's Revenge. The game itself is all-but finished, needing just some final playtesting and any tweaks arising therein, which means that the game has not yet...

  • News Kapow! New Batman Trailer is Both Brave and Bold

    Holy hand-drawn animation!

    Time to dig out that cape and tiny pants, readers: this new trailer for upcoming Batman adventure The Brave and the Bold is sending out the Batsignal into the night sky. Despite sounding like an American daytime soap opera, Batman: The Brave and the Bold is based on the cartoon series, putting players in control of the...

  • News Mighty Flip Champs Europe-Bound This Month!

    At long last...

    It seems like European gamers have been waiting an absolute age to get their fingers on WayForward's really rather good Mighty Flip Champs, but the waiting is nearly over as WayForward has just told us the game will be releasing this month! As yet we have no exact date, but with European releases going up on Friday it can really only...

  • News Shantae Coming to DSiWare

    WayForward set to release the long-awaited sequel to their Game Boy Color classic!

    Well it's been a long time coming, but Shantae fans are about to have their wishes come true with the release of not one, but three new Shantae episodic titles on Nintendo's DSiWare service. The first release Shantae: Risky's Revenge, is expected to hit the DSiWare...