
Topic: The N64 Thread

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Was cleaning up some of my old SNES/GB stuff and stumbled across some N64 era promo material. Probably not new to most peoples who are on this thread but maybe it's interesting to some

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


when the heck is the next NSO game coming?



I did something crazy and stupid and for most of you probably idiotic! I got StarCraft 64!

It was a dream of mine but the EU (Australian as it was never released in other PAL regions) copy starts from 350$ ... so I decided to import from the US! But in order to play it I had to import a N64 US console as well because of the region lock

And there we go!


I know it looks really ridiculous BUT I do not regret it one tiny bit!


The Nintendo 64 Was the Culmination of 90s Virtual Reality

@Zuljaras Enjoy. Since you acquired an American N64, F-Zero X might be worth looking into if you enjoy a good racing game. The NTSC version is faster and hence better imo. PAL is a bit slow. Difference was due to TV refresh rates. It was rare back then to have a game run at a locked 60 frames per second.

Ps. Creepy profile pic ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‰

Edited on by F-ZeroX



@F-ZeroX I am not really into racing games. The game really looks good on the N64 but I get very little enjoyment out of them Probably the only 3 racing games that I enjoyed were Carmageddon, Re-Volt and Mario Kart.

As for my profile pic, this is just the face (faces ) of Gravelord Nito from Dark Souls status that I made


As for my American N64 I am doing something very special to it


@Zuljaras Wow u made that?! Looks like something you'd buy from a store! Seriously o_O

Never played Dark Souls. I know it's famous for its difficulty (like F-Zero GX's story mode).
I respect your gaming genre preferences, can't argue taste ๐Ÿ˜‰

You're pimping it? If so post a pic when you're done? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

There's more to listen to on youtube if you search 'zeldawave'.
And an album on Bandcamp:

Edit: oh shid, for anyone into F-Zero, I just found a site where they sell F-Zero X custom track packs on cartridge:

Edited on by F-ZeroX





From the Zeldawave album, I really like 3. Song of healing and 11. Tati & Tael

Edited on by F-ZeroX



Zuljaras wrote:

@F-ZeroX Here it is I have visually "modded" my US N64 console

Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled Untitled

No comment besides upvote.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


How long does the battery last on switch v2 playing on n64 app?

Destiny, justice and retribrution will be mine.


Just to give you guys the heads up on a very ambitious and thorough N64 documentation project called N-cyclopedia 64, that's been in the works for years. There's no timetable set for release but I talked to some of the people involved and they're still working on it.

N-Cyclopedia 64 project is still alive, and we never stopped working on it during the last years.
Initially it was supposed to be a one year project with short reviews (around 1000 words per review), but it evolved with time and it became quite ambitious, to the point that now many reviews are over 10.000 words.
This not only due the deeper analysis that we decided to provide, but also because Shellshocker wants to bring the development history and the studios history to a whole new level in matter of quantity and quality of the information.
I'm sad that it's taking so long, but it's a creation that we really care about, and once finally released it must be something that we can to be proud of.

Here's a quote from a more in-depth explanation of the project on the next page. Seems it'll bring forth many interesting stories and tidbits us N64 enthusiasts have never known about. Looking forward to this. Full answer (from which the quote was taken) in the link below.

We have already dedicated ourselves to make something so comprehensive that it can be used as a main research source for decades to come. I hope everyone will find that many of those bad or forgettable 3rd party games actually have extremely important, interesting histories that are worth telling to get a full picture of the era and appreciate even the failed efforts of some companies. Many of the most interesting sections are actually on games you would never expect, simply because the research on them had never been done or never been compiled in the manner that we have compiled it.

@Zuljaras Incredible!

I personally wouldn't mind owning this console mod:


Edit: @Zuljaras Perhaps post your console mod on some other forums, like resetera, ars technica or It is show worthy.

Edited on by F-ZeroX



The Nintendo 64 Was the Culmination of 90s Virtual Reality

"Despite their current reputation, Nintendo were once on the bleeding edge of gaming tech."

"The N64 could not have been created if there were not total visionaries looking beyond the practical and into the future. 3D graphics technology had always been advancing, but despite its dated look the N64 was by far the most capable game dedicated machine of its time. Super Mario 64 captured the imagination of millions and led to further refinement for 3D real-time games in both control and character with games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

To belabor the point is to miss the point a little bit. Nintendoโ€™s and Silicon Graphicsโ€™ goals were driven by experience and circumstance. The developers were driven by the desire to create true 3D games on a level that neither the Playstation nor the Saturn could really offer. For all its failings and revolutions, the N64 stands as an embodiment of a desire to feel and experience something new. For those who were able to do so in its heyday, it certainly left an impression."

Edited on by F-ZeroX



Donkey Kong 64 was my favourite N64 Game, i wish we could get a HD Version like the Wind Waker got !

i enjoy Mario Kart Double Dash and Cups of Tea !!!!


One of the more memorable custom GoldenEye levels cause it's more like a mod. Cod in GoldenEye.
Edit: also Gras just uploaded the first custom Perfect Dark level in 3 years, so that stuff's still happenin.

Edited on by F-ZeroX



40 mins in. Super interesting and well-narrated documentary on the N64 and the era. Goes more into depth about what exactly happened with the Nintendo Playstation amongst other things.


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