
Topic: Next Nintendo Direct?

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At this point waiting till March might be a good idea. Talk about titles released from Jan-March, talk about Phiranna Plant & Joker which should be out by then I imagine then bombarded people with New info about upcoming titles, new surprises and announce who the next DLC after Joker will be.

Eagerly Awaiting Animal Crossing for Switch!


@LilDoggo48 I don't think that Joker will release in february or march because when he was revealed at the game awards he wasn't in a playable state. I think we will have to wait a few more months for that. Pirana Plant is confirmed for february so at this point they could do a february direct and make him available for download after the direct.



LuigiTheGreenFire wrote:

If we somehow don't get a Direct this month, I'm sure we'll get one in February or March.

And if we won't get one in February or March, then probably in April or May don't you think? And if not in April or May, then in June or July???


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


@toiletduck I'm pretty sure we will get a Direct, at the most, the next 12 months

Edited on by Bunkerneath


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


@Bunkerneath and if we don't we'll probably get one in the 12 months after that right? Right??


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


@toiletduck No, I think Nintendo would have been destroyed by then (if one was not released).


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


@toiletduck I am very confident that we will have gotten a direct at least before the end of february. We all thaught it would happen in January because we didn't have any release dates, but this changed because of the release dat of Yoshi's crafted world being announced. In theory they could do it in february but january is still more likely, but later than february just doesn't seem right



Part of me thinks Nintendo should just start doing a direct every month if for nothing else than to just quell a large portion of the whining online. 2nd Thursday every month just have one. Could range from a 15 minute nindie showcase to a full on 45 minute blowout of a single game. That way at least people would know when to expect it and would eliminate 80% of the comments on their Twitter posts lol.



@redd214 that would be brilliant, but will never happen


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


@Whitewatermoose I agree that we don't get any other first party game before yoshi. I don't know what they are doing behind the scene on the third party front, but some developers still don't take the switch seriously. I am happy with the games I get on the switch, but a lot of people think that a direct is logical in february or january because we don't have any release dates for fire emblem or daemon x machina.



@Redd214 I also hate the demand for a direct. I want one but I'm not going to spam Nintendo's twitter for it because it isn't going to change anything.



@Bunkerneath yeah I know, makes too much sense for nintendo to do something like that



Did Nintendo ever say that Metroid would be 2019? I don't recall. I think that's just fans having wishful thinking. Even Bayonetta 3 didn't have a release attached to it, I don't think. Only Luigi's Mansion specifically said 2019 of those three.

Daemon x Machina is supposed to be this year, though, that's a pretty big one. No one seems to remember it.

Edited on by TuVictus



@whitewatermoose I would like them to be more transparant but because of all the hype and anticipation they are getting a lot of publicity. Also i don't think metroid prime 4 and bayonetta 3 launch this year. Bayonetta 3 is too niche of a product to lauch during the holidays and a I think we get the metroid prime triology this year and metroid prime 4 next year because a lot of current switch owners probably didn't play the first three games. Besides that I still suspect we are getting 1 zelda game this year, and if they do bring metroid prime triology to switch this year, and launch town in august, they almost put out 1 game each month, which means metroid prime 4 and bayonetta 3 can launch in 2020.



@Whitewatermoose really hope MP4 isn't what they're relying on for the holidays. I know it has its fans and I'm sure it'll do decent but looking at the sales of the franchise I don't think it'll do amazingly. I too think it's a 2020 game as well though, probably get the trilogy this year I'd guess.



They've started doing more announcements, FFX/X-2 HD on April 17th and FFXII on April 30th. Direct seems increasingly unlikely. If there wasn't such a large gap between Travis Strikes Again and Yoshi, I'd be leaning towards no Direct until April.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


In all honesty, I wouldn't be (too) surprised if nintendo said the direct was tommorow out of the blue.

Nice >:]

I do stupid stuff on, so check it out if your bored or whatever.
Or don't, it's your time after all.


@Grumblevolcano direct seems very unlikely but I don't get why they release them both in the same month. I would have thought they would release one in march because yoshi is aimed at a younger audience. Hope they release them physical.



@troy258 There were a lot of Final Fantasy games announced in the September Direct (Crystal Chronicles, Chcobo's Mystery Dungeon, VII and IX don't have release dates yet), could be that at least some of the others come earlier.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


The FF games are coming to the Xbox too so I don't think the release dates have anything to do with what Nintendo does or doesn't have coming out that month.


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