
Topic: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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skywake wrote:

TheLegendOfLaser wrote:

Even if the new Mario Kart is an updated port of 8, I think Nintendo would make a Mario Kart 9 on the Switch. It's one of their best sellers, so not making a new entry for it would be a terrible decision.

Or they release this as it's own thing but basically an updated version of 8. Whether it has all the same tracks or some different collection of tracks. And then instead of Mario Kart 9 they just keep supporting the existing game with ongoing DLC. Better for us in terms of content and better for them in terms of margin.

And this is exactly what I think they are going to do. I don't expect a brand new MK on the system at all, but they will continue to release DLC for this version.

So I think anyone expecting that they'll put 24 brand new tracks from the get-go is going to be disappointed. If they did that, then why don't they just release a brand new MK as it's basically almost there at that point?

I think the best we can hope to expect is the Wii U DLC included, with a small amount of new stuff added on which gives the game freshness to existing users. By that I mean I'd expect a maximum of 8 new tracks and a handful of characters. At a push they might give some attention to improving the battle system with some proper arenas both past and new.

And I agree with you- I'd expect we'd probably get a yearly DLC release of new content and characters than see them actually make a brand new game. I'm fine with that. MK8 is brilliant so happy for them to just refine that model and support it with long-term DLC.



if this indeed mk8.5 i can see it being a launch title.


3DS Friend Code: 4296-3217-6922 | Nintendo Network ID: JTPrime


@WebHead Nintendo could do with at least 1 of Mario Kart, Smash or Splatoon as a launch title. One of the big problems with Wii U is it took 1 and a half years for the first Nintendo online title for Wii U to be released (MK8), before then all you had was the odd 3rd party online title here and there like Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, Black Ops 2, Splinter Cell Blacklist, etc.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano Literally the same problem on 3DS as well until MK7. There was Ocarina of Time 3D, but not much else.


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


@Grumblevolcano Oh yeah I completely forgot about that, but yeah, that game had some crazy powerups going on (max level speed sent you through a warp tunnel or something if I recall correctly).
I remember that the racing game was a bit like Wipeout, but it was so long ago I can't think of anything else except for the part that the powerups were some kind of crystals (most likely).
Having that system would bring a new layer of strategy because being in first place you could power up your defense items and be more dependant on your skills and not random items.



Mission mode is the best thing that landed in garbage for no reason. Boss battles alone made it one of the most fun things around. Having online scoreboards or even multiplayer for that mode would be amazing.



If it is just a port of Mario Kart 8 with some added abilities (like 2 items/more characters), it's still an immediate buy for me, even if they don't do battle mode properly STILL. But if they do - dang. I don't know how much I'll actually get around to playing Zelda lol Mario Kart 8 is probably the game I've played the most in the past 10 years.



@rallydefault I've just been playing it tonight. It's my favourite game bar none. It's so good that the option to play it anywhere on Switch has gotten me over my earlier malaise about no backwards compatibility.

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I'm hoping that it's simply an updated port, and those updates will be DLC for the Wii U version that I can buy instead. I love MK8 but it's just not something I play much anymore, so I definitely would not be putting down another $60+ to buy an updated port when I can just play it on Wii U. Portability is nice but I prefer MK on a TV anyway.

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I am convinced that this is definitely an updated port. I'm also okay with this, building upon the game and adding adjustments will make it an even better game and I think that it was a great game before!

"Squirtle!" - Squirtle
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FriedSquid wrote:

I'm hoping that it's simply an updated port, and those updates will be DLC for the Wii U version that I can buy instead. I love MK8 but it's just not something I play much anymore, so I definitely would not be putting down another $60+ to buy an updated port when I can just play it on Wii U. Portability is nice but I prefer MK on a TV anyway.

I completely agree. Why would I pay £45 for a game that will essentially be MK 8.5?



If it is Mario Kart 8.5, then I hope it's bigger than a DLC Pack. Though, we already see something that you wouldn't expect to find in a DLC Pack, the second item slot.

"Squirtle!" - Squirtle
Currently playing: Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest, Super Mario 3D World, SSB4, and Paladins.


@TheLegendOfLaser A mode with 2 items per player could easily be implemented as an update. Don't forget that 200cc was a free update back in April 2015.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


If it's just a slightly updated mk8 then it should be a 20-30 dollar game imho.



They're not going to sell a Mario Kart game for just 20 bucks. At least 40. I could see that happening, maybe 50 bucks. That's still a ''premium'' price, but lower than your average $60 game. Maybe they have some kind of ambassador's program, where every Wii U owner gets the season pass for the Switch version for free. That shouldn't be difficult to implement.

Or maybe Ninty's still the same and we have to fork out another 60 bucks for Mario Kart 8.



Honestly, I think this game is totally Mario Kart 9. Mario Karts tend to come out every 3 years, and by 2017 it'll be time for another one. Plus in terms of graphics, look at Double Dash to MKWii. BOTH share many similar assets. I mean, how much better can you make Mario look after MK8? I think this is a full blown sequel and not a re-release.

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Well if the Switch has just slightly more power than a WiiU then it won't be a brand-new game. Lighting engine seems pretty much intact, but if they bring new tracks, characters and items here then it will be enough to sell as a brand new game.



Whoever keeps pushing for parts to be unlocked randomly after a certain coin total deserves a Blue Shell to the face. IDK why they don't do the common sense thing and have you buy them in a shop with coins.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


If they are planning on adding more and more stuff then progression has to change at one point. The good thing about Mario Kart is that no items make you overpowered, so the random unlocking doesn't make it any less enjoyable.
That being said I'd love to see Mario Kart DS vehicles return - ones that were made for specific characters. Right now the whole kart setup system is simple so a bit wider selection with a shop where you can buy parts with coins would make it more interesting.


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