
Topic: Game Builder Garage

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First? No hype? Well that's mildly disappointing. Anywho, I think every platform holder should offer a toolkit of some kind. Nice to see Nintendo offer something like Sony's Dreams, probably a bit less flexibility but we'll see.

I'm enthusiastic. I had been scripting for an RPG Maker game I planned on making. But I want to make a side scrolling rpg/brawler like Dragon's Crown or DFO. RPG Maker didn't serve up the right tools. Perhaps GBG will get me there?

Edited on by Magician

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


I would've made a thread, dunno. But I'm keeping an eye on it...I tried out Dreams before, but, not only was it not my PS4 but also...I never even touched the creator thing itself. I browsed a few things and played some games/animations here and there....but I think part of it was that the creator felt too much for me. I've seen gameplay of it, yeah. Maybe Nintendo will help out more with this game, now that this is going to be its own thing with no Labo requirements and stuff.

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This looks like a really awesome thing that there's like a 75% chance I won't buy. Not sure its my sort of thing, or to be exact, that I have the patience for making things (I barely had patience to make Mario Maker levels).

Nice to see Nintendo can still release physical games at varied prices though.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

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I learned when I played the Mario Maker games that I have no real desire to actually design games. I'd rather experience and critique stuff that already exists.

And, frankly, I can't imagine this allows for as much design freedom as Sony's Dreams, so if I was into that sort of thing, I'd probably go with that software instead.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)


@Magician Yeah imagine if the switch or vita had a cheap popular game creator day one. Well i guess vita had little big planet and mod nation racers I should check those out.

I just found an electronic manual for smile basic 4, maybe itll help along with going through the lesson section again and getting a keyboard.

Anyways looking forward to this and trying out your take on kappa's crown, I means dragon's crown.



Yeah, this looks like a far simpler tool than SmileBASIC or Fuze, which have fully featured programming languages at the back end, rather than just a Scratch/Labo style visual interface.

Ultimately, making games is pretty hard work though, and I'd think that you'd have a considerably better chance of finishing one off if working on a PC where you've got a considerably broader set of tools available to you.




I did use the search function, but my search scope was for the Switch forum, not the News forum.

Mods can fold this thread into yours if they're so inclined, I don't care.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


This is for general discussion for Switch games, I'd rather leave this one be since everyone will be visiting this area instead of the News section anyways.

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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I posted this in the article comments, but figured I'd paste it here just because I doubt anyone will see it. lol
"I'll be looking at this, since based on what I saw via streams, Dreams is a bit too much for me. Maybe I'd give it another go once I have my own Playstation, but I want to give this a try.

My only worry (well, besides wondering how audio will be handled, lol), is how far can you take this? Because knowing Nintendo when it comes to creation tools, there has ALWAYS been a limit. Can you really make a full 2D Zelda-like game with an overworld as well as mirrored version of that overworld? Complete with caves, indoors, dungeons, and everything? Or a massive open world game?...Not that I would make an open world game since I don't care for those, but yeah, you get my point. lol"

Anyways yeah...just curious about this. We all know Nintendo likes to put in limits to these things. lol

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Bleh, that sucks...would be nice if you could link them together...TwT

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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Hopefully they don't lock the created content behind codes you have to share.
Half the fun of these kinds of games is scrolling through the community uploads seeing what others have done with the available tools. Having to rely on Reddit or Discord to get codes in order to see peoples creations kills it for me and it will go from a likely pick up to a hard pass.

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My Nintendo: Badger | Nintendo Network ID: SW-7629-6884-5091


There is a Nodon song. I repeat, there is a Nodon song.

Less than two weeks to go now! I’m really excited for this title. Probably more so than I have been for any game in a long time.

I never purchased Labo due to lack of space, but the programming aspect really tempted me. I’m so, so happy we’ll be getting what looks to be a much more thorough package with internet sharing capability. The lack of music creation tool is a shame, but at least there seems to be some flexibility in the music ‘settings’.

11 more days!

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Hard to believe this is less than two weeks away. I'm torn as to what type of game I'll build first. My heart is leaning towards a DFO clone, but that might be too optimistic. I'll probably start with a Cosmic Ark clone. Loved that game in my youth.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Yoooaoaoaoh! The game makey game comes out tomorrow! This is exciting! Let’s be excited!

I’m going to try to make a janky driving game! Probably! Let’s see how that goes! Yaaaaay!

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Spla2oon Ranks: SZ: X | TC: X | RM: X | CB: X

Switch Friend Code: SW-5609-8195-9688 | Nintendo Network ID: Maxzly | Twitter:


Someone please create a Rhythm game from this game !




With your DDR skills, you don't aspire to create your own?

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Still bugs me that we can't use our own audio...I'm gonna wait and see a review or two first.

My Monster Hunter Rise Gameplay

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If you like this kind of games then dreams on the PS4 is great. I’m not a creator but enjoy peoples games. Some impressive stuff

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