
Topic: The "NEW" Short Story Thread

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My Chibi Boxers have some funny rumble on the ring. 😊



Do you want to hear my story about The Three Billy Goats Gruff from the story telling I did for grade 2 students last time ?

Once upon a time, there were three Billy goats live on green meadows with a lot of grass to eat.
The little goat's name is Kidd.
He is the smallest, quite shy but pretty smart.
The middle goat's name is Milton.
He is a funny goat, like to skip walking and dance.
The biggest goat's name is Maxton.
He is the oldest, the strongest and protecting his siblings.
They like to eat grass a lot every day.
One day, during the season changes, the green meadow they lived has no longer enough grass to eat and the goats started to complain.

Kidd : Bro, there is not enough grass to eat. I'm very hungry.

Milton : Yeah, I'm starving too. I think we should move to other grassland.

Maxton : I agree, but I heard the other grassland was behind the Mystic Forest and we have to pass through inside to find the other grassland.

Kidd : Bro, I'm so scared with Mystic Forest. I don't want to go Mystic Forest.

Milton : I'm also afraid to get inside Mystic Forest, Kidd but we have no choice. We will be starving here for not enough grass to eat. We have to find another grassland to eat more grass.

Maxton : All right. It looks like we are ready to find another grassland. We will get inside Mystic Forest first. Follow me.

Then the three goats left their current green meadow to get inside Mystic Forest.
Mystic Forest is a beautiful mysterious forest which said nobody ever returned once they get inside.
(Eruyt Village theme from FF XII for Mystic Forest)

Inside Mystic Forest, they saw a lot of fascinating things they have never seen before.

Milton : Wow... I have never seen such a beautiful forest like this.

Kidd : Bro... I'm so scared...

Maxton : Stay in the line with me and don't touch anything.

As they walk into Mystic Forest, they see a lot of mysterious things for example the glowing mushrooms.

Milton : Wow, those are glowing mushrooms.

Kidd : And it looks pretty.

Maxton : Don't touch those mushrooms !
We have no idea if they are safe or not.
Keep following me.

As they get inside Mystic Forest, they see another things.
There are Mystic Blue Flowers inside.
Mystic Blue Flower is a magical flower with big five blue colored petals, big stamen and pistil and the flower can grow until 2 meter tall.
The flower have another vine plant wrapped on its stem.
There is also something else about that flower.
As the three goats see the Mystic Blue Flowers, Milton get closer to those flowers.

Milton : Wow...! Those are very big flowers. I have never seen such a huge flowers like that before.

Kidd : Yeah, they are so huge. By the way, I see something glowing from the flowers.

Milton : Yeah, I saw it too. It's glowing....
I think I felt so... sleepy.... (Fallen asleep)

Maxton : What ?! Don't get closer with the flowers !!

Kidd : Bro... I think I feel sleepy too... (Fallen asleep).

Maxton : Oh, snap ! Dreamy pollens ! (Saw a lot of glowing pollens around him)
Ugh... I think I felt... sleepy too... (Fallen asleep)

The Mystic Blue Flowers released dreamy pollens if they got surrounded by a lot of creatures and whoever inhaled the pollens, they will get sleepy for several hours.
The three goats fallen asleep in Mystic Forest for several hours.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



After several hours later, they started to wake up with a little bit dizzy.

Kidd : Ugh... I was so sleepy...

Milton : Yeah... I feel quite dizzy now...

But suddenly, they heard something has been watching over them.
(Esper Battle theme from FF XII)

Kidd : Guys... I think somebody have been watching over us.

Suddenly a mystical creature jump over the tree and it is a Mystic Tiger (Coeurl).

Milton : Aaagh...!!! The Tiger !!!

Mystic Tiger : GROAR...!!! GRO... (coughing)
Do you have some candy ?

Maxton : Eh... No ?

Mystic Tiger : Oh, anyway... GROAR!!!

Milton : RUN...!!!

And they started to run to avoid being chased by Mystic Tiger. The goats run as fast as they can but Kidd cannot run very fast.
(Never Look Back from FF VIII during the chase)

Kidd :Bro ! Wait for me...!

As Kidd keep running as he can, suddenly he got tripped to the ground. The Mystic Tiger see Kidd got tripped and it started to bite Kidd.

Kidd : BRO !!!

Maxton : HAIYA...!!!

Maxton quickly attack the Mystic Tiger with his headbutt to protect Kidd. The Mystic Tiger is really upset and it scratch Maxton as the counter attack.

Maxton : AAAGH...!!!

Kidd : BRO...!

Maxton : Quick, jump on my back !

Then Kidd jump on Maxton's back and Maxton quickly run from the Mystic Tiger.

Milton : Wait for me...!!!

They keep running in Mystic Forest to avoid Mystic Tiger. The Mystic Tiger try to catch them by leaping very high and blocking their way.

Mystic Tiger : GROAR!!! GRO... (coughing again)

Milton : You coughing again ?

Mystic Tiger : Oh, sorry... Ahem, anyway... GROAR!!!

Everybody : RUUUUN...!!!

The three goats keep running from the Mystic Tiger. As they run, Milton see some Mystic Blue Butterflies with blue colored wings like Blue Morpho butterfly and eyes pattern with big smile on their wings. The butterflies look like showing them the way.

Milton : Bro, I think those butterflies guiding us to the exit !

Maxton : I don't know if we can trust those butterflies but I heard they can show the exit of Mystic Forest. Follow those butterflies !

And they are following those Mystic Blue butterflies to get out from Mystic Forest. After they run quite long, they see a light from far away.

Milton : Bro, I think there is an exit over there !

Maxton : Okay, listen. When we get out from the forest, we will jump out very high. Ready?

Milton : What?!

As they get out from the forest and jump out very high, they see another place behind the Mystic Forest.

Everybody : AAAAAAGH....!!!

They fall down into the hill and rolling down to the bottom. The Mystic Tiger is really upset for unable to catch them then it returns back into Mystic Forest.

Meanwhile, after they landed at the bottom, they started to wake up.

Kidd : Ugh.... It's hurt.

Milton : Ouch, ouch, ouch !

Maxton : Is everybody all right?

Kidd : I think so. Oh... Bro !
Your leg got scratched.

Maxton : I'm fine. I can handle that one.

Milton : Anyway, where are we ?

Kidd : I think there is another grassland over there.

They see another grassland inside the forest in front of them. But the problem is there is a big river with very strong stream.

Maxton : We cannot across the river. It's too strong for us to swim. We have to find the bridge around here.

Milton : But where we have to find the bridge ?

Maxton : Follow me.

Then the three goats are finding the bridge across the river. And not for long, Kidd see a wooden bridge from far away.

Kidd : Bro, I think I saw a bridge over there.

Maxton : Come on! Let's across the bridge.

But before they across the bridge, they see a warning sign before the bridge. It said there was a Troll living under the bridge and whoever trying across the bridge, the Troll will attack them and eat them. Since then, nobody wants to across the bridge.

Kidd : Bro, I'm scared with the Troll. They will eat us.

Maxton : But we have no choice. We are starving. We have to try to across the bridge. The grassland is over there.

Milton : But how do we beat the Troll ?

They are thinking. Suddenly, Kidd got some idea.

Kidd : Hey, I think I have some idea. Listen....

Kidd shares the idea to his brothers.

Milton : What?! Are you crazy ?? I don't think it will work.

Kidd : But I think it will work.

Maxton : Okay, I think it sounds like a good plan. We have to try it. Okay, Kidd. You go first.

Then, Kidd across the wooden bridge first with his little steps.
(Timber Owls theme from FF VIII)

Suddenly, the Troll jump out from his hideaway.

Troll : Who goes trip trapping over my bridge?!

Kidd : Um... It's me, Kidd. I'm very hungry and I want to across the bridge so I can eat a lot of grass over there. Would you let me across the bridge?

Troll : Hm... No. I'm so hungry too and I want to eat you up.

Kidd is scared to hear the answer from the Troll, but he still remember with his plan.

Kidd : Um... Please don't eat me. I'm very small and I'm sure you will still hungry after eat me. Wait for the next goat after me because he is much much bigger than me.

The Troll is thinking about Kidd answer. He is convinced with bigger goat idea.

Troll : Hm.... All right. Go ahead.

Kidd : Thank you.

Then, Kidd walk across the bridge safely and start to eat the grass on the new grassland.
Meanwhile, from far away the other two goats are watching over the situation.

Milton : So far so good, Bro. I think it's my turn now. Wish me luck.

Maxton : Go ahead and please be careful.

Next, the second goat Milton across the wooden bridge with his skipping walk.
(YRP Battle 1 theme from FF X-2)

Suddenly, the Troll jump out from his hideaway.

Troll : Who goes trip trapping over my bridge?!

Milton : It's me... Mario ! I mean... Milton.

Troll : Are you Mario or Milton ?

Milton : I'm Milton, Middle Billy Goat Milton... for the full name. And I want to across this bridge to join with my sibling over there to eat grass.

Troll : You look so happy.

Milton : Of course. I'm so excited to across this bridge. In fact, I'm also practicing my skipping walk since I like to dance. Do you like to dance too ?

Troll : NO. I'm so hungry and I want to eat you up !

Milton : You want to eat me ?! Oh, dear...
That's a big mistake. You will still hungry after eat me. Wait for the next goat after me because he is much much bigger than me and I can guarantee it.

The Troll is thinking again. He doesn't really like with the idea of bigger goat but he is convinced.

Troll : Hm... I'm so hungry but the next goat will be even bigger. All right. Go ahead before I changed my mind.

Milton : Thank you, sir.

And then Milton across the bridge safely and joined with Kidd to eat the grass. Meanwhile, only one goat left and it's Maxton turn.

Maxton : All right, all according to the plan. It's my turn now.

Then, Maxton across the wooden bridge with his heavy steps.
(Boss battle theme from FF X)

Suddenly, the Troll jump out from his hideaway.

Troll : Who goes trip trapping over my bridge?!

Maxton : It's I, Big Billy Goat Maxton.

Troll : So you are the biggest goat of all ?

Maxton : Indeed. And I want to across this bridge to join with my siblings over there to enjoy the grass.

Troll : Oh, no you won't and don't tell me you have another goat after you because I will eat you up right now. Graaaah !!!

Maxton : Oh, no you don't ! I have strong horns and I will kick your butt !

And then, Maxton butting up the Troll to the sky with his head butt and the Troll fall into the big river. The river is very strong and the Troll can't swim. And the Troll was never seen again.

(Victory fanfare FF XII)

Maxton : Yeah...!!!

Maxton have defeated the Troll and now everybody can walk across the bridge safely since there is no more Troll bullying them.
And then Maxton walk across the wooden bridge safely and joined with his siblings over there to enjoy the grass they can eat. The new grassland have way much grass to eat and they can eat a lot of grass on the new place anytime they want. The End.

So, what do you think about this story, guys ?

Edited on by Anti-Matter


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