
Topic: The Dungeon and Dragons Thread

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@Tasuki Is One D&D its own thing (6th edition?), or is it 5e+ in a sense? I'm curious how that playtesting will go! Interesting that it'll combine digital and physical assets. Though I admit I do think there's something great about using physical marker boards and small pieces or mini-figs. I fully realize not everyone has the means or space for that (Space was an issue last session), so digital is a nice alternative.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx No, One D&D will use 5th Edition material so you can use say Curse of Strahd with One D&D. I read over the rules last night and they are basically doing what TSR did back in the day and it'd pretty much Advanced 5th Edition. So rather then a whole new rule set it just adds options and updates.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki So basically a New Game+ in a sense. Interesting indeed. I'll need to do some cursory reading in time. Busy weekend, so hopefully next weekend lol.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tasuki As long as they don't get into loot box territory, I'm fine with it. XD

Unless something changes, it looks like we're meeting again this coming weekend.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx That's good that you will be meeting again this weekend. My group wasn't able to play this past weekend my two players, the ones that are out of state ended up getting sick so they weren't going to make it. Also the past few nights my insomnia decide to be a pain and then on top of that I had an early work shift today. So yeah we just all agreed to forgo it this weekend. Hopefully this weekend if everyone feels better.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki Fingers crossed you can play this coming weekend! Completely understandable in regards to the ill group members, plus I can relate on the insomnia; I occasionally deal with maintenance insomnia.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx that’s a good question is he a villain, or is he just going about thing the wrong way? That’s he tricky part my players have to figure out themselves. I like making complex situations in my games, so there are a lot of player choice but not everything is as black and white.



@Themagusx1 That sounds like a very complex situation to puzzle through. I like trying to figure out puzzles/mysteries like that. Much luck fo your players with figuring everything out.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


For new readers, this is part 2 of this post since my D&D group had to break halfway through an epic battle last session. Time makes fools of us all.

Our group did manage to meet yesterday evening. The session was temporarily up in the air since one of the other players wasn't feeling well Friday, but he felt a lot better yesterday; he figured it was seasonal allergies. I admittedly arrived a few minutes late - yay errands + the Ultra Beast raid event in Pokemon Go - but I brought food offerings of the cookie and fruit varieties. XD The chaotic boards were set up from last time via leftover scribbles and snapped phone pics.

The DM showed some mercy to our downed bard and had one of the remaining Lizardfolk in that room fish out his last remaining Potion of Healing, reviving that character (who then healed himself the next turn). My ranger was unfortunately out of useful attacking AOE effects and just started sniping NPCs with her longbow. Our Dragonborn sorceror's croc was banished by the human caster until near the end, so in the meantime he was also sniping various NPCs while also throwing out a couple of Counter Spells (The human caster tried healing both him and Landragosa, the charming half-dragon fighter my character has a beef with). My wonderful drake companion was off in a different part of the room taking care of some Kobolds...including a very curious inventor type that didn't hardly touch him (18 AC is pretty good lol). Our Oathbreaker paladin and their Kobold follower were still tangling with three guard drakes, two cultists, and a fleeing Rezmir. The paladin took a ton of damage from her. The rest of the Lizardfolk were still trying to help us, and their Giant Lizards...were going for the closest targets to them which were, thankfully, cult members.

All the non-important NPCs went down. Rezmir (the charming half-dragon lady running this joint) unfortunately fled the premises - and thankfully WASN'T gathering reinforcements (that we know of) - but that still left us with a very angry Landragosa, Boringray the racist high elf, and the human caster none of us could touch directly since he cast Sanctuary on himself...which meant my ranger was SOL on hitting the guy. I left him to the casters, but I was more than happy to snipe the remaining big bads. Boringray went down first, then Landragosa. Our Kobold fellow also helped us out. Towards the end, the Giant Lizards ran out of targets and went towards our gnome NPC friend (who was somewhat useful in this combat), so my character got them back under control via Animal Handling (Thankful for the +7).

What of the paladin?....She was overwhelmed and went down. The human caster tried fleeing down the way they came (My drake went after him) I don't recall the type of spell, but there was a damaging AOE effect within 15-20 feet around him. The paladin had to deal with a couple of NPC hits, as well as that AOE on top of that. more oathbreaker paladin. Kind of interesting since that was this player's third character in this campaign; they wrote out one, intentionally killed the other on a suicide mission (Remember the forgotten character sheet?), and now this one. The rest of our characters are in somewhat decent shape, but I'm not sure if the rest of us will make it through another crazy battle in one piece anytime soon.

We left off still in the castle. Not sure what's going to happen next. I'm wondering about the item our Dragonborn sorceror found in the chapel, but that hasn't come into play yet.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Damn that sucks for the Paladin, hopefully they have another character ready. Still I know what it's like to have a character die, especially after you put so much into them.

How do you guys treat death in your games. Do you do the death save rolls or use some other methods? My group doesn't like the idea of death save rolls instead we just do the old 2nd/3rd Edition rule where if you hit -10 hp the character dies.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki That guy is pretty used to the game - I think he's been playing since third edition or so - so I'm sure he'll have a new character spun up before long.

We do death save rolls, but we recently switched from having the players do it to leaving it in the hands of the DM; it adds to the suspense I suppose lol. What hosed the paladin was an NPC getting in a hit when she was down - which is two auto fails IIRC - and then that AOE effect is what sealed the deal.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Right the Ole coup de grace. That's one reason I am not big on death saves. Under some circumstances it counts as a roll. It also doesn't give party members a chance to save a fallen comrade.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I was unaware that there was a D&D thread! Pretty awesome, I've only played 5e, but me and my buddies have had a campaign in Wildemount going for 2 years now, I play a Wood Elf Ranger(Monster Slayer)/Cleric(Tempest Domain) with an electric wolf companion.

Read through all of @Tyranexx stories and that honestly sounds like super cool campaign too

Games I'm playing right now:
OoT N64
DK64 N64
Lego LotR Wii
Spirit Tracks DS
TotK Switch


@FroZtedFlakerZz I just started a Wildemount Campaign myself a few months ago, the party just finished their first major adventure and are about to hit level 3!!!

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki No way? That's pretty cool, the world-building for Wildemount is almost unparalleled, we've really been having a blast with it. We hit level 7 like 4 sessions ago (besides one of our players who's a Warforged fighter, he got involved with a deck of many things and went up 2 levels lol). We have some heavy storytelling in ours (mixed with a healthy does of stupidity as there should be) we recently reached a climax where we may or may not have inadvertently awoken an ancient black dragon that destroyed half of Rosohna... I'm having a ton of fun with it though.

About the death rolls too, if a character is K.O.'ed we usually let the dm roll them for more suspense. If a character does die (we've actually surprisingly only had one death) then we give them one last "hero action" where they have advantage to perform one last impactful action of their choice (within reason and without healing themselves) with all their strength. Our paladin who died funneled any and all god like power he could muster and imploded, taking out a stronger monster.

Games I'm playing right now:
OoT N64
DK64 N64
Lego LotR Wii
Spirit Tracks DS
TotK Switch


@FroZtedFlakerZz That sounds exciting. Right now my group is up in Eislecross since I never really did an arctic adventure before, I am actually running them through Frozen Sick. Once they are done with that it's up to them, where they will go next.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki Yeah Frozen Sick is a pretty good one, my dm ran that for us but added an extra part with the lake.

Games I'm playing right now:
OoT N64
DK64 N64
Lego LotR Wii
Spirit Tracks DS
TotK Switch


@Tasuki That was the only thing that really sucked about it; none of us were anywhere close to that character at the time. The closest friendlies were the Kobold warlock that player was controlling (ironically) and my drake, but both were too far away to be of any use. I suppose I could've chucked my drake a potion of healing, but even with its flying speed it wouldn't have made it....Not to mention the roll to see whether the throw even worked would've likely been difficult since I wasn't very close to the drake. I like my ranger to stay far away from the action when sniping with her longbow lol.

@FroZtedFlakerZz Thanks! I'm honored that you bothered reading through some (if not all) of my posts in this thread lol. I'm not sure if I've directly mentioned it in this thread - some of the convos were carried over from the more general Tabletop Gaming Thread - but my group is in the middle of a Tyranny of Dragons campaign. Supposedly, Tiamat returning to the world will be very bad news. XD

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx Honestly, who would've guessed a power-hungry 5-headed dragon goddess would have ill intentions? My dm has hinted at Tiamat's involvement so, uh, that's not good lol.

Games I'm playing right now:
OoT N64
DK64 N64
Lego LotR Wii
Spirit Tracks DS
TotK Switch

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