
Topic: I think im too smart to watch most tv anymore

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It may just me , but it seems that a lot of the shows and movies that come out are too predictable for me to enjoy fully. When I still watch shows on cable TV, from disney channel, nickelodeon, or cartoon network, they seem to have very predictable and almost boring plots.

Character gets rich quick plot, seen it. Time machine episode, yawn. Main character gets jealous of another characters situation, I've seen that a thousand times before.

Despite being almost 20 years old, I feel like I've seen every almost every TV show and movie plot in the world ,word for word, and story beat by story beat. And when I see it appear again the urge to skip the episode and/ or movie will start to run through me.

I feel as if its because I've practically seen the last 50 years of video via netflix and YouTube video / series reviews. I feel as if I'm 50 in movie watching years as apposed to the actual years I've been alive!

Does anyone else have the same feeling?
(Note: I still like some shows and movies, spider man into the spiderverse, moon girl and devil dinosaur, back to the future, the mario movie. But it takes a show Being really good for me to really like it/ spend a significant amount of time watching it)

The tanookduke strikes again!


For a certified genius you watch a lot of TV.



Nah, no offence but the Disney channel and Mario movie aren't exactly the most weighty thought provoking cerebral shows and movies out there.

Edited on by jump

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I'm a big fan of kids' TV, I think it can be really great, but if that's the majority of what you're watching (based on the channels you listed) it stands to reason you'd start to find it predictable and basic. I'm sure there are plenty of shows out there that will still feel fresh to you, just try and branch out to things you might not normally watch.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


@Zuljaras well yes I've wanted to, but when you live with your restrictive parents who always want to know what you're up to via parental controls and a no closed door policy for you, it's pretty hard to watch shows I've always wanted to try like regular show, the Simpsons, and anime in general.

The tanookduke strikes again!


They even prevented me from watching the powerpuff girls or any somewhat girly shows when I was younger.

The tanookduke strikes again!


You can give these shows a try, they are as wholesome as anything on The Disney channel, not really dark and more of a challenging watch than the Mario movie.

The Good Place, a show about a women who dies and goes up to Heaven however she wasn't a goody two-shoes in life and has to pretend she was. Lots and LOTS of plot twists happen!

Abbott Elementary, a sitcom about teachers trying hard in challenging circumstances.

Ted Lasso, a wholesome show about a very nice American guy managing an English football team and trying to bring ideals like supporting each other to them. Has lots of swearing it in though.

Parks & Recreation, the first season is meh but it gets a lot better later on. It's largely about trying to do the right thing in government without giving into cynicism with whacky results.

Edited on by jump

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


You have listed a lot of channels and shows targeted at kids (or at least a wide demographic). They're supposed to be easy to understand and digest. I know older people watch them still, but I think that's due to nostalgia or a comfort that comes from those predictable formulas.
I know I watch old cartoons for that reason once in a while. I don't always need a plot twist or traumatic scene after a long day!

With that said, if you're almost 20 you should have more control over the media you consume. If not you should be working towards taking that power back - either through discussion or saving up enough to leave home.
I grew up in a home where I was definitely limited in what I could watch or play, but that didn't stop me. You can watch TV late at night, watch things online. Use a VPN or ask a friend to download something for you.

There is a lot out there. And there's more to it than family friendly content, or the mature/"girly" things you were kept from. Every country has it's own shows and movies, there are tons of different creatives making things. You will not run out of media, especially not at your age. If you don't see anything that excites you...make your own content? You could be the next big director, who knows.



sixrings wrote:

For a certified genius you watch a lot of TV.


"Why does a man whose shirt says 'Genius at Work' spend his days watching a children's cartoon show?"

"I withdraw my question."

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


Christopher Booker wrote a book called "The Seven Basic Plots" which details the fact that human beings tend to tell the same kinds of stories ad infinitum.

Superhero movies bore the crap out of me and are almost guaranteed to put me to sleep. Unnecessary exposition + set pieces + final boss battle. I mean, it beggars belief that the "cinematic universe" crap is so insanely popular. It's virtually the same plot retold dozens of times with overlap in actors/producers.

The fact that you seem to watch a lot of mainstream content isn't helping your case though. There's a multitude of content out there. I hardly watch anything out of Hollywood (except for an occasional classic). I tend to prefer alternative music and foreign film, though there's still a fair share of more popular material that I enjoy too (I'm not that big a snob ).

Though I prefer television to film as I like long-form storytelling. With film, you have to introduce all of your main characters and get the wheels in motion very quickly without exploring the characters in too much detail.

And if nothing else, there are plenty of other hobbies out there.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


Sisilly_G wrote:

Christopher Booker wrote a book called "The Seven Basic Plots" which details the fact that human beings tend to tell the same kinds of stories ad infinitum.

Booker was just trying to one up Georges Polti who reckons there were 36 in his book. I'm gonna release a book called "Booker and Polti didn't know squat, there are like 3 or maybe 3 and bit plots in all of the things".

I don't think there is anything wrong with watching mainstream stuff (and not aimed at the OP) but I have seen a rise with the I'm so smart talk because things are so over explained in the average blockbuster has made people feel smart for not being taken by surprise by the plotting as their idea of a surprise is a cameo and then there are Rick & Morty fans* who recognise references so they think they are really clever, they are a strange bunch.

*I do like Rick & Morty btw, fart jokes and nihilistic ramblings get a thumbs up from me.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Sorta on topic, fun fact there have been multiple studies (probably multiple as they get the results for one and reckon itโ€™s complete BS so they try again) that metal fans are generally smarter and happier than the average music listener. They are not sure if itโ€™s because you listen to metal it will make you smarter/happier or metal fans are just happy and smart to begin with though.

Itโ€™s something to do with how a common theme in metal are negative emotions so it allows people to process negativity better, the general anti-authority attitude leads to being more curious on topics and learning plus metal is longer and more complex than other types of music which keeps you stimulated rather than entertained.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I like having a formula: Protagonists encounter problem, struggle, figure out how to solve it, everyone's happy, roll credits.



@iceDomino but doesn't that get boring to see again and again after a while?

Also @jump I'll check out your suggestions . I think I need to be more willing to try out new shows and movies, even if they may be incomplete or not that great.

The tanookduke strikes again!


@Rambler I will split hairs on this, cock rock is not metal!

This โ€œmetalโ€ however will kill brain cells!

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


@Tanookduke What's wrong with me watching shows like "Spidey and his Amazing Friends", "Alice's Wonderland Bakery" and "Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures"?



The rise of streaming services, and 'original' / exclusive content, has lead to a level of TV show saturation that is a tricky mine-field to navigate!

Sometimes there is nothing wrong with 'big dumb fun' (Reacher... I'm looking at you kid!) but I'd generally prefer weightier experiences, with rich plotlines and great character arcs.

2 shows I've enjoyed immensely recently - "Succession" and "The White Lotus" - both really great. I also recently rewatched "The Leftovers" in entirety, utterly fantastic.

Someone asked me recently what my top 10 of all time are, and I finally deduced this:

#1 The Wire
#2 The Leftovers
#3 Dark
#4 Succession
#5 The Shield
#6 Boardwalk Empire
#7 Justified
#8 Mad Men
#9 Lost


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