Tag: Twitter - Page 2

  • News Platinum's Hideki Kamiya Gives Smash Bros. Fans Both Barrels

    Famous designer lets it all out in foul-mouthed Twitter rant

    Platinum Games designer Hideki Kamiya is renowned for his classic contributions to the world of video gaming, but one thing he doesn't seem to be famous for is his patience. He regularly indulges in rants via his Twitter account, and following numerous requests from Super Smash Bros. fans...

  • News Alarm Raised After Tekken Producer Goes AWOL, Doesn't Turn Up For Work

    Something to worry about, or publicity stunt?

    Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada has been working on the franchise for almost two decades, and is one of the most recognisable faces within the walls of Namco Bandai. However, it has been reported by his co-workers that Harada-san hasn't been turning up at work lately — prompting a rather worrying...

  • News Platinum's Inaba: Wonderful 101 Is So Much Fun You'll "Wear Out Your GamePad"

    "Actually, the Wii U GamePad is pretty sturdy, so you probably won’t"

    Yesterday, we reported that Platinum Games' Hideki Kamiya had taken to Twitter to indicate that The Wonderful 101 wasn't a game that would take that long to complete. "If u hate to finish a game the next day u buy it, u better not play TW101," he said. "I focus on how it is fun,...

  • News Nintendo Of Korea Embroiled In Twitter Drama Over Alleged Sexist Comment

    Comments made regarding TV host Eun Ji Park

    Nintendo of Korea is having to deal with an unfortunate piece of bad publicity after its Twitter account was allegedly used to post a derogatory comment about former weather presenter Eun Ji Park. The comment read: "She should have just stayed as a TV Meteorologist. Getting all the work done on her face...

  • News Nicalis' Tyrone Rodriguez Urges Twitter Users To Pester Studio Pixel For 3DS Gero Blaster

    We can get behind that

    Earlier this month, we reported on Studio Pixel's next game, Gero Blaster. The Cave Story developer's new outing is a 2D side-scrolling action title which places you in the role of a trigger-happy frog. It's being pitched for release on iOS, but around the time of the announcement Nicalis' Tyrone Rodriguez twee

  • News Shaun Of The Dead Star Seems Pleased With ZombiU Homage

    You've got red on you

    We've all heard of life imitating art, but what about art imitating art? That's exactly what has happened with ZombiU, as it gives the player a cricket bat as their only melee option — a loving nod to the seminal 2004 British horror comedy Shaun of the Dead. In case you haven't seen it, the film focuses on one man's quest to...

  • News Zen Pinball 2 Release Date Arriving "Any Day Now"

    Don't panic, it's still coming

    Zen Pinball 2 developer Zen Studios has taken steps to assure fans that the Wii U version of the game is still on course for release. Originally expected back in December, the launch slipped to January - but there's still no sign of the game as yet. We know what you're thinking - delays of this kind can only mean one...

  • News Sony's President of Worldwide Studios Has A Wii U

    Shuhei Yoshida gets his game on

    Although most rabid fanboys would love to think that Sony and Nintendo's employees loathe each other so much that they can't even bring themselves to look at a system created by their rival, that obviously isn't the case. Just like common gamers, individuals within these two great companies will have access to a wide...

  • Competition Win escapeVektor: Chapter One [EU, NA and AUS]

    15 copies to give away

    We know you love great games, and we know you love competitions, but we bet you love both of them together even more. We've teamed up with Nnooo to give away 15 copies of WiiWare gem escapeVektor: Chapter 1 to readers around the world. We have five copies for North America, five for Europe and five for Australia and New...

  • Competition Free Buy-In for Our Ante Up: Texas Hold'em DSiWare Competition (North America)

    Five copies up for grabs

    Ante Up: Texas Hold'em is one of the better poker games available on DSiWare, and now we have five copies of the game to give away to DSi owners in North America, coinciding with the happening-right-now World Series of Poker. If you want to win the game, be sure to follow MonkeyPaw Games on Twitter and follow Nintendo Life...

  • News Win a Copy of Jam City Rollergirls with Nintendo Life!

    Get ready to whip it

    Frozen Codebase's sporting title Jam City Rollergirls is available on WiiWare in North America now, and as our exclusive Jam City Rollergirls interview revealed there'll be a playable demo in future. However, if you want to go one better and win a free copy of the complete game, read on! Frozen Codebase has kindly furnished us...

  • News If You Know Dragon Quest Trivia, You Could Meet the Creator

    Not as ominous as it sounds

    Nintendo's agreement to promote Square Enix's upcoming Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation on DS proves both companies are eager to capitalise on the success of last year's Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies. Last year, series creator Yuji Horii attended the DQIX launch to meet fans, but this year you'll h

  • News If You Cross Mario with Twitter, You Get Super Twario

    Cutesy client makes Twitter a game

    We can all agree that Super Mario Bros. has made a big influence on gaming, but social networking? Not so much. Until today that is, with a new Mario-inspired Twitter application now on the iPhone. The bunny-hopping Super Twario client launched on the App Store today, turning the social messaging site into a...

  • News Now You Can Follow Shantae Wherever You Are

    Via Twitter, that is

    The wait for Shantae: Risky's Revenge is proving too much to bear for some. If you're one of those folks desperate to get their hands on the genie's goods, you might want to direct some of your enthusiasm and impatience to the official Shantae Twitter account. As you'd expect, the genie's first tweets have been explaining...

  • News The Nintendo Era is Over, Tweets Former Final Fantasy Scribe

    Ex-Square writer says the iPad marks the beginning of the end for Nintendo's handheld dominace

    Although Nintendo's position in the home console market has been contested numerous times over the past few decades, it has always held court over one sector of the video game industry: the humble handheld. With the Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy...

  • News Lords of Shadow to Feature Classic Nintendo Castlevania Music

    Super Castlevania IV's brilliant soundtrack is coming back from the dead

    Castlevania producer David Cox has tweeted that the upcoming PS3/360 title Lords of Shadow is to feature classic tunes from older instalments of the series - more specifically the fourth title, which appeared on the SNES in 1991. Here's the tweet: Today I heard the waterfall...

  • News Cave Story Confirmed for Australia

    Spelunker down under

    Attention: Australians! Put that boomerang away and throw some shrimp on the barby! Cave Story was just confirmed by its developer / publisher Nicalis via their Twitter feed. Also, apparently the company thinks that your country is a part of Europe. According to their post: Australia WILL have Cave Story on WiiWare along with...

  • News Rage of the Gladiator Coming to Europe on Friday

    And there's even a fun contest to go along with it!

    Ghostfire Games has just announced that their WiiWare fighting release Rage of the Gladiator will be coming to the European WiiWare service this Friday. To further sweeten things up a bit, they're even going to be giving away a free copy of the game to one lucky European gamer each and every day to...

  • News Rage of the Gladiator Giveaway

    Win your very own copy of the game

    Ghostfire Games have just announced that they're running a contest to give 15 lucky gamers a free copy of their newest WiiWare release Rage of the Gladiator. All you have to do is Twitter their account with your Wii Code and one winner will be chosen each day to receive a copy of the game. You can check out the...

  • News Dave Perry May Know Truth About 3DS

    Industry veteran hints he's familiar with new tech

    File this strictly under "rumour," but industry stalwart Dave Perry, famous for Earthworm Jim, has dropped a hint on Twitter that he may know something we don't regarding the mysterious Nintendo 3DS. Perry recently tweeted that he was: Excited about the Nintendo 3DS. I've got the Fuji 3D...

  • News David Jaffe Inspired by Zelda

    God of War producer would like to re-design his flagship series with more “Zelda 64” elements

    David Jaffe, producer of the hit PlayStation-exclusive series God of War has revealed on his Twitter account that if he were to remake the series now he would like to include more elements inspired by “Zelda 64.” If I were to do GOW now, I would do...

  • Competition Get Your Name in Furry Legends

    Developer Gamelion extends Twitter competition

    Gamelion have extended their online competition - which offers one lucky gamer the chance to have their actual, real-life name inserted into their upcoming WiiWare title Furry Legends - into the New Year. To enter, just follow the development team on Twitter and come January 31st they'll randomly select...

  • News Join the Official Nintendo Life Facebook Group!

    Spread the love...

    Yes, it’s true that we’re a bit late to jump on the Facebook bandwagon (only by three years!) but that’s cool – due to popular demand we finally got around to creating our very own Facebook page. If you're a Facebook fan then this will be a good place to chat to other Nintendo Life readers, the staff and even developers...

  • Rumour New Mario In the Works?

    Charles Martinet reckons so...

    A Twitter account purporting to belong to one Charles Martinet - none other than the wonderful voice of our favorite plumber - has recently been posting about an as-yet unspecified new Mario title. Read this tweet from a few days ago: Mama Mia!!!! I'm going to Seattle this week to record a new Mario game! Followed by...

  • News Professor Layton And The "Grand Smash Tournament"?

    Twitter shenanigans drop sequel hints and rumors

    Let's slap a big ol' "Rumor" disclaimer on this one before we go any further, shall we? Just like the rest of the world, Professor Layton has gone and gotten himself an official Twitter account, where probably some intern over at Nintendo posts riddles and other assorted intellectual...

  • Competitions Twitter Fun Winner

    We could only pick one!

    So our recent Twitter-based competition has come to an end and we can announce that ejamer has been crowned the winner and will find 2000 lovely Nintendo Points heading his way shortly. Here's the winning entry in all its chucklesome glory: Thanks to everyone who took part! Don't forget to follow nintendolife on Twitter if...

  • Competitions More Twitter Fun

    Win 2000 Nintendo points by giving nintendolife a shout out!

    Here’s an easy competition that could win you 2000 Nintendo points to spend on downloadable games of your choosing. Simply follow us on Twitter and tweet the following phrase to your personal Twitterverse: "Follow @nintendolife because they ................." Obviously you fill...

  • Competitions Twitter Joke Winner

    So who made us chuckle the most?

    Our recent ‘send us a joke on Twitter’ competition seems to have been very popular as a quick Twitter search will demonstrate. The jokes ranged from very funny to plain awful. We certainly admired the persistence of some readers such as BulbasaurusRex, but didn’t anyone ever tell you that less is more? :-p...

  • Competitions Follow nintendolife on Twitter

    Tell us a joke and be in for a chance to win 2000 Nintendo points.

    Here’s an easy competition for all you crazy kids who are down with Twitter. Simply follow nintendolife and tweet us with a funny joke using no more than 140 characters. The tweet which makes us chuckle the most will win the prize – it couldn’t be simpler! We promise to follow...

  • News Car Jack Streets Coming To DSiWare?

    iPhone GTA clone could be making the jump to Nintendo's handheld

    Mobile phone developer Tag Games has posted an entry on its Twitter account which reveals that its Car Jack Streets title is coming to the Nintendo DSi. The Grand Theft Auto clone - which has previously appeared on mobile phones and the iPhone, to much critical and commercial acclaim -...

  • News Klonoa 3? Depends On Wiimake's Sales

    Series creator has ideas for sequel but needs financial incentive.

    Cartoony platformer Klonoa's Wiimake has enjoyed critical success, which must make Namco pleased as punch over the decision to resurrect the series. So does that mean sequels are imminent? That one falls under a big fat "maybe," as the series creator, Hideo Yoshizawa, told...