
3DS Game Reviews

  • Review Madden NFL Football (3DS)

    Down, set, fumble

    It’s no secret that the NFL captivates millions of fans each year, and the Madden franchise has always been there at the forefront, leading the pack on the videogame side of the football world. Even though it’s currently in the off-season for the NFL, it’s not stopping EA from charging onto the 3DS scene and putting a new 3D...

  • Review Steel Diver (3DS)

    Sub-lime idea, sub-par content

    For those who aren't aware, Steel Diver began life as a demo for Nintendo DS and almost became a full game before being moved over to the 3DS. Combining simulation aspects of submarine driving with arcade-style action elements, the game is one of the more impressive demonstrations of the system's 3D and hardware...

  • Review The Sims 3 (3DS)

    My name is Hurl

    Ever since David Crane and Richard Gold created Little Computer People for 8-bit computers in 1985, gamers have been fascinated with life simulation games, as demonstrated by the huge sales success of The Sims series. However, The Sims is also a series that has suffered from 'content filtering', as the PC experience has been watered...

  • Review Nintendogs + Cats (3DS)

    New leash on life

    The original Nintendogs blew many away upon its release way back in 2006 – here was a game designed to show off the DS in full, with voice recognition, plenty of touchscreen functions and even a communication feature called Bark Mode that let consoles exchange data automatically. Fast forward five years and we've got Nintendogs +...

  • Review LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (3DS)

    A well-honed clone or a droid to avoid?

    Back in 2005, if you would have told someone that six years down the road, LEGO Star Wars would still be one of the most bankable and consistently enjoyable franchises in gaming, you would have been laughed at. Many called the idea a shallow cash grab, yet here we are in 2011 with another instalment in the...

  • Review Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D (3DS)

    A decent first touch

    While the 3DS launch line-up is full of old territory being retrodden, Konami's got itself a bona fide first: the world's first three-dimensional football game. Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 3D makes a decent run at goal but sadly fluffs its chances in the dying minutes. For starters, the game is disappointingly feature-light:...

  • Review Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D (3DS)

    Tripping over in the dark

    Splinter Cell 3D is one of quite a few 3DS launch titles from Ubisoft, a publisher that is showing plenty of enthusiasm for Nintendo’s little device of tricks. The number of gizmos and clever features in the console make it seem like the perfect home for deadly agent Sam Fisher. The question is whether this title is able...

  • Review Asphalt 3D (3DS)

    Screeching fault

    Gameloft’s racing series is something of a DS staple, with Asphalt: Urban GT launching with the original dual-screened console, a sequel, and then Asphalt 4 available on DSiWare. The French developer is certainly getting some mileage out of the Asphalt name, and now with the 3DS comes Asphalt 3D, a sadly middle-of-the-road affair...

  • Review Rayman 3D (3DS)

    Rayman goes 3D

    When Rayman 2 first saw the light of day on the Nintendo 64 console, it pretty much came out of nowhere and surprised many gamers with its amazing transition into the realm of 3D gaming. After seeing a host of releases on various consoles of the time period, the game was finally released on Sega's struggling Dreamcast system to...

  • Review Pilotwings Resort (3DS)

    Flashy and fun!

    Pilotwings titles have always been showpieces for Nintendo's new hardware, and Pilotwings Resort is no exception. It's clear from the moment you begin playing the game that the developers created the game in an effort to show off the fancy 3D visuals and analogue Circle Pad, and given the fact that it's been over 15 years since the...

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  • Review Super Monkey Ball 3D (3DS)

    Are you ready to roll?

    Since the original Super Monkey Ball released alongside Nintendo's Gamecube console back in 2001, the series has experienced a roller coaster ride with as many bumps as its level designs. While we've seen some solid releases over the years, fans have typically continued to clamor for a return to the series' roots. While Super...

  • Review Ridge Racer 3D (3DS)

    A familiar lap around the track

    Namco’s Ridge Racer series has often been criticised for being a relic of a bygone era, a driving game that clings to outmoded arcade sensibilities and refuses to step into the super-realistic world inhabited by the likes of Forza and Gran Turismo. The irony is that when Namco Bandai attempts to take the franchise...

  • Review Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (3DS)

    Hadouken in 3D!

    Anyone who follows Capcom knows that it likes to take its sweet time when it comes to releasing a new numbered release in the famed Street Fighter series. In fact, it was nearly a nine year wait between Street Fighter III and Street Fighter IV's debut in arcades in 2008. And after making a huge splash on both the Playstation 3 and...