
Topic: Kunio-kun appreciation thread

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@Wargoose - I’m all for kicking bosses outta buildings. I have two statues left and just can’t find them. Thinking about whether to use a guide, or probably just let it go.

I haven’t played the 3ds games, but I do have both of the games on Switch you mentioned. RCG0 is a good, old school bmup. There’s no juggling or finishing, but it’s really good for what it is. Long time KK or bmup fans should enjoy it.

All I can say about Stay Cool Kobayashi is that I played about 25 minutes and probably won’t play again. The whole thing is just kind of a mess in my opinion. Different strokes though. I only paid a few dollars for it on sale, so if you can get it cheap; might be worth a shot just to see if it’s something you enjoy.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@bimmy-lee I had to use a guide for the last 3 statues, couldn't for the life of me find them. I also spent about 20 minutes trying to jump on top of the hotel, for some reason I just couldn't make the jump, and enemies kept respawning.



Has anyone given Mighty Fight Federation a go? Looks like Kunio and Riki made it in as DLC.

I've been waiting for a sale, to pick it up. I really liked powerstone back in the day. So it looks like it might be up my street.



Just a heads up the 3ds kunio games are all on Sale in the EU eshop at the moment



@bimmy-lee So I purchased River City Saga: Three Kingdoms today. Will probably start it this weekend when I have some time. Hopefully I finish it before the Cowabunga Collection comes out.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki - Nice, I’m very curious to hear what you think. I feel like I really don’t know much at all about the game. I’m surprised NL hasn’t had much to say about it, and no review so far. I gotta check my eshop credit, I’m running low, I think I need to pick between this and Cowabunga Collection until I get more credit at the end of September. Is this sort of an expanded remake of the RCR sequel in the Kunio/DD collection?

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@bimmy-lee From my understanding, it's a sequel to that game. I should probably finish that one before starting Three Kingdoms but I am so behind in games, lol. Shredders Revenge has been eating up alot of my gaming time.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki - SR is so much fun. I just have the last three levels to go with Donny, and then I’ll have everyone through story mode. I need to finish the RCR sequel on the KK/DD collection as well. I’ve only had one run with it. I thought I could sit down and walk through it in 45 minutes, but I got beaten to a pulp. It’s going to take some effort to get through it.

Let me know what you think of this one when you’ve had a chance to really play it. I think I’ll hold tight until the Cowabunga Collection and pick this one up after I have more credit in a couple months. It’ll give me a chance to try the RCR sequel again and I have Dawn of the Monsters just waiting to be played, so I have plenty of things to beat up in the near future.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@bimmy-lee Yeah I was playing SR with my son so while I leveld up on character he was leveling up another. We just have Splinter and Leo left and we just finished Raph and Casey. I might try the RCR sequel here again but we shall see.

I remember how hard RCR was the first few times I played it. I didn't know you had to beat certain bosses in an order to make others appeared. Nor did I know you could level up. I remember the first few times playing it and getting to River City High and wasn't able to get in. I knew there were certain characters in the game like the Twins but I didn't know how to get in. It took my brother writing to Nintendo Power asking how to get in and a response from them telling us the order to beat the bosses so that we could get into the school.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki - Haha, I wrote to NP all the time, and they almost always responded. I think I still have a few letters from NoA. My parents wouldn’t let me call the 900 tip line, so snail mail was the way if one of my friends didn’t have an answer. I also sent pics to them of me standing next to clear screens hoping they’d get published on the back page. I did get one in the mag once of me standing next to the Godzilla clear screen, haha.

Yeah, RCR was my favorite co op experience on NES. I played it at a friend’s house and we probably spent years mapping out our route. It was epic to finally clear it, and we just kept playing after that because it was so fun, and we wanted to clear it faster and take less damage. I didn’t understand the game at all when I first started renting it other than I loved the combat.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@bimmy-lee Haha yeah I was in the same situation I wasn't allowed to call either so it was pen and paper for me. I have a few of the letters from them still, including one where I asked them what does the M in M. Bison and the E in E. Honda stands for, NOA's answer Major Bison and Enormous Honda haha. I never did get to send in a picture though mainly because my parents wouldn't let me because it was a waste of film. I did send in a bunch of ideas for robot masters for their Mega Man contest though.

As for RCR yeah it one of my brothers and I favorite games to play together on the NES that and TMNT II and 3 (Which is one reason I can't wait for that collection to come out) and Double Dragon II to name a few. The thing that always drew me to RCR and the other Kunio games for that matter was the artstyle.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@bimmy-lee Got an email from Limited Run Games, and it looks like they will be shipping out River City Girls Zero at the end of the month, so hopefully by Thanksgiving I will be able to start that game.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki - Hey man, nice, you’ll love it. It’s old school controls, but it has some cool set pieces and tons of Kunio charm. It’s pretty tough, but you’re a vet, you can handle it. Pretty sure NL had an article on the LRG copy and it looked cool.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@bimmy-lee Just got the email that my copy of RCG 0 was shipped out today. Should be getting it in the next few days.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


My order still says "in production". I'm guessing that they're prioritising U.S. orders first.

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


I just picked up River City Showdown on the 3DS, it's 50% off in the UK at the moment. I've played it for 10 minutes, and if feels like a remake of RCR with lots of extra dialogue and sidequests. Worth picking up before the eshop shuts for good. I'm hoping to get the other two 3DS exclusive Kunio games before closing time.



@Wargoose Yeah it's a remake of River City Ransom. I some how missed that one when I had a 3DS. Hopefully they port that to the Switch at some point.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki - You playing 0 yet? Curious what you think after you’ve played it a bit.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@bimmy-lee Actually, I just got the alert that it has arrived at the Post Office, so I will be picking it up later today. I am guessing the rough weather made it take a little longer to ship.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311

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