
Topic: There's way too many new RPG games these days to catch up on

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Is it just me or that there's just way too damn many RPG games for the Playstation 3, Playstation 4, X Box One, and Nintendo Switch to try to catch up on?

Nintendo Switch has the Xenoblade games, the Trails of Cold Steel stuff, Tales of Vesperia, Bravely Default 2, Persona 5 Strikers, those silly Disgaea games and port of Skyrim

then for the consoles there's a new RPG game thats releasd pretty much every day

Hard to catch up




It's one of my favorite genres so there's something north of a hundred rpgs in my backlog.

As I always say, too many games, not enough time to play them.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,256 games (as of May 29th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Absolutely. Granted I feel this way even more after the neverending slog known as Xenoblade 2's side content, but in general, they are too long, too often. I'm sorry, most of the best JRPGs I've played had 30 hours of content, tops. It feels like every JRPG I play is 3 less games I can play in nearly any other genre, unless its indie or decades old.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Heck, I only play on Switch and this is a problem I have. A good problem though.


Nintendo Network ID: KryptoniteKrunch


Personally, I kinda like it. Especially over the last couple of years, it hasn't been unusual to go months at a time without a new release you care for (or a new release comes out and it is a broken piece of garbage, best avoided) during those pockets, having a nice stock of meaty RPGs to bridge the gaps is always appreciated from me.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


That's why I don't bother with RPGs anymore. They are still my favorite genre but with a 40 hour job and family I just don't have time for a 200+ hour game.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Yeah there are definitely a lot of RPGs nowadays especially on Switch but I view that as a good thing mostly considering how niche the genre is to some people.
The average people will skip most RPGs they see and only make a few exceptions.
With the influx of RPGs coming out I just see this as more options for people to choose from.

The cons for this however, especially for someone who plays alot of RPGs, it creates a huge backlog of games you still have to complete, since most RPGs are naturally a commitment.
But I think this is negligible, I'd rather have too much than too little.

Good... good
Now play Dragon Quest


I'm... somewhat mixed on RPGs. Because of how incredibly long and complex they tend to be, I really only pick which ones that interest me the most. I'd get burnt out from them too, and I have way too many of them on my backlog. Not to mention I'm not great at them. I've taken long hiatuses from the Xenoblade games, for example. I don't hate RPGs, obviously, I can get into them when I'm in the mood for them, they're just not one of my favorite genres.

And yeah, there's a ton of them on the Switch. I also remember back when the 3DS was current, it's been getting a plethora of RPGs. Actually, I think it's been like that with a lot of Nintendo's handhelds, so it's been going on for a long time. I don't think that'll change anytime soon.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


I don't know if there are too many, or if my gaming habits have changed. JRPGs are usually too much of a commitment...or at least they feel that way.
I know a lot of them have quality of life features to make it easier but they feel wrong. I want to take my time and enjoy the adventure. But that comes at the cost of me getting through so few of them.

It helps me that I don't have to worry about spoilers, but other genres are easier to jump in and out of depending on my mood. Some nights I'm too tired to get back to the grind of an RPG, even if the payoff is worth it eventually.

Combat is really what makes it or breaks it for me - it's why I've managed three SMT games in the past year and not any other RPG in my backlog.




iLikeUrAttitude wrote:

Yeah there are definitely a lot of RPGs nowadays especially on Switch but I view that as a good thing mostly considering how niche the genre is to some people.

And this...

iLikeUrAttitude wrote:

The cons for this however, especially for someone who plays a lot of RPGs, it creates a huge backlog of games you still have to complete, since most RPGs are naturally a commitment.

...are precisely what I'm struggling with lately. I love RPGs of different kinds; they and action/adventure are my favorite genres, with mysteries and puzzles close behind. Part of my problem is I didn't really get into the genre until my high school and college years if we ignore the Pokemon juggernaut and those early (and decent) Harry Potter RPGs on the GBC and GBA by Griptonite Games (RIP). I've been playing catch-up on some classics ever since while trying some other franchises that I've learned I really like too.

I've tried compensating by being picky about which RPGs I do pick up. Namely if they're praised far and wide, from a franchise I trust, or if I genuinely want to take a chance. At the end of the day, they can be quite a time sink.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I pick and choose my JRPGs carefully. Only so much time, after all. But lately it's been a bombardment.

I got Live A Live but backlogged it. So far this year for JRPGs/SRPGs I've played Triangle Strategy, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and intend to play Nier Automata, Persona 5 Royal and Harvestella. Diofield Chronicle, Trails from Zero and Tactics Ogre will also get played, but not right away.

I love having this much choice. I prefer games I can get lost in. Which means I always need at least 1 great JRPG on Deck. With the onslaught of Xenoblade 3, Nier Automata, Persona 5 Royal, Harvestella, Trails from Zero, Diofield Chronicle, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core and Persona 4 Golden, I won't have to worry about that for a looooong time

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


As of now, I kind of only stick with series I've heard of or are just starting out. Series that depend on you playing tons of the games in order to understand the next are the types of JRPGs I avoid, since I know I probably won't have the time to play all of them... or that I probably won't enjoy them. I usually just stick to Persona, Final Fantasy, Xenoblade, and Shin Megami Tensei, as well as Pokemon. Usually newer JRPGs are a huge hit or miss with me story-wise, and Tales of Arise is one of those games that I kind of wish I didn't waste time in playing.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


I never finish JRPGs. I always buy them, I don't know why, but I never finish them. I can count on two hands the amount of JRPGs I've seen to end credits. Something about them draws me in, graphics, story, gameplay, etc, but rarely do they hold my attention or they have some stupid thing like an insane difficulty spike in the last act or something (looking at you Yakuza: Like a Dragon). I now do a lot of research before buying one as I don't have a lot of time to game anymore. It can't be grindy, can't take 100 hours to finish, and it has to have a story and characters worth investing time into.


Nintendo Network ID: ivory_soul | Twitter:


I only got into jrpgs a couple of years back. It can get overwhelming but being spoilt for choice is a nice problem to have. I do try and be disciplined finish one at a time. They’re not as easy to dip in and out of and finishing the story is a big part of the point of the genre.

Edited on by JoeDiddley

Switch: SW-2923-8106-2126
Steam ID: joediddley


Yeah, I kinda get that feeling too at times.

I'm still working on XC3, and yet we have Soul Hackers 2, Valkyrie Elysium, Star Ocean: the Divine Force, Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion & I think even One Piece Odyssey coming out in the coming months.

Will definitely have to pick & choose, especially considering there are still games like Nier Automata & Ys IX I haven't played yet either.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I said that too, there is to many and then people are making themselves. 5 would be enough. Its like fortnite they just keep putting up theses player made games that are terrible, like 100s of them, and sometimes I have to play them for challenges, I emailed epic about this. Still like playing fortnite though.👍😷



If you are a fan of the JRPG genre, then the current output volume is definitely a double-edged sword...

Such a wealth of high-quality games to choose from, albeit surely no-one has the time to 'play them all' considering the usual 100hr+ commitment (I hear XB3 regular playthrough is around 120?!)

I maybe try to do 1 or 2 (max) a year, and have XB3 lined up, but I do find it a struggle sometimes for 1 game to hold my attention for >50-60 hrs.

These days I also favour more something that has 'pick up and play' potential, and the rogue genre seems to lean into this. The games I've enjoyed most in the last 1-2 years have included Returnal, Hades and MHRise.

Although I also played through FFVIIR and Xenoblade Definitive... but must confess that burnout kicked in with both of these before reaching the final acts.



there is also a ton if import rpg games from japan in english to choose from..



I've been getting through quite a bit of my back catalogue the past few years which has been a nice feeling. It's really helped my realise that the biggest sin of a JRPG to me is padding which can absolutely destroy the want to continue playing and actually finish it. Whenever you come across padding, it's so easy to spot and almost always comes across as articifical.



I do like the genre, but "thankfully" I've found nothing I like as much as Dragon Quest. I'd play Etrian Odyssey as well if they still made them, but when I think of Dragon Quest VIII or XI, there's just nothing to match that level of charm, scope and addictive gameplay. I know there are loads of other highly-rated series, but following Dragon Quest is enough for me.


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