
Topic: Why hasn't Nintendo released their music on Spotify? And what can we do to change this?

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I mean, Nintendo keeps taking down uploads of their music on YouTube. The least they could do is upload their music on Spotify.
So why haven't they? And what can we do to change that?
Personally, I'd start a petition.



Because wile Nintendo does great things, and even swindles there fanbase. There still stupid. There just stupid sometimes.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

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@HankScorpio Hello Hank long time no see.

I think Nintendo could/will do their own Spotify service one day.

dysgraphia awareness human


I would love for Nintendo to release their stuff to streaming, but it's Nintendo we're talking about here.

Also, a petition wouldn't do anything. They hardly do.

"Science compels us to explode the sun!"

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What exactly will a petition do?? People act like because there's a petition company's have to do what the petitions say. I don't even know how this thinking started. A company is going to do what a company wants to do a no petition is going to make them do something they don't want to do.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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I'm still mad they took down that cool Pokemon D/P site where you could listen to all the music from that game, and the layout was awesome. Too good to live apparently.

Square Enix has put out a ton of their music in recent years, in multiple forms, so I'd love to see Nintendo do the same.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

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It's Nintendo. The way they seem to work is to have everyone not want their music on Spotify. Seems the more people want, petition and beg for something, the more Nintendo will refuse to do it. So, I guess do the opposite.



I don't think there's anything we can do. I wish they'd at least test the waters and throw a soundtrack or two there. I've linked some local files of soundtracks I own on CD but that's far from an ideal solution.

I think the main reason why Nintendo hasn't bothered with Spotify is that they're based in Japan and Japan still very much loves its CDs. Nintendo produces physical soundtracks for most of their games. They don't sell physical soundtracks outside of Japan because they know physical music doesn't sell well here and the ones that truly want them, will import them.

HAL was nice enough to put some Kirby music on Spotify during the 25th anniversary. Maybe they'll add more for the 30th anniversary. Pokémon soundtracks aren't on Spotify but they are at least purchasable outside of Japan via Apple Music.

It's its, not it's.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8287-7444-2602 | Nintendo Network ID: LateXD


I recently paid a pretty penny for the Touch Generations CD (it was a Club Nintendo exclusive) so I could have lossless versions of those sweet sweet Wii Shop and Mii Channel theme songs (the rest is a bonus). The 2 CD Nintendo Endings set which released shortly before Club Nintendo’s closure is one of the highlights in my collection. I also loved the Cooking Guide music in both sets.

The Fire Emblem sets are also great, and I especially loved If/Fates. The Faith and Engagement, and Flowers of Enchantment albums are also excellent.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


I feel that Nintendo releasing their music on Spotify would be a double benefit, first because of the money income and also the fans enjoying the music of their favorite games.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7129-5796-5297 | 3DS Friend Code: 2724-5034-3038 | My Nintendo: jemil1992 | Nintendo Network ID: jemil92


Knowing Nintendo’s weird twists and turns, they’d probably argue the only appropriate time to enjoy the music from their games, is when playing their games.


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My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


Would be nice to have the Bowser's Fury soundtrack on there

She was like a candle in the wind... Unreliable.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8393-7065-0231 | Nintendo Network ID: DieuEtMonDroit


Since Xbox, Sony PS aren't doing it why should Nintendo? Come back when the other two also does it then we can talk.



It's definitely a missed opportunity for them to reach a wider audience and for fans to enjoy their favorite game soundtracks on a popular streaming platform. As for what we can do to change this, perhaps we can start a petition or social media campaign to urge Nintendo to release their music on Spotify. It's worth a shot! And if you're looking to promote your music on Spotify or gain more plays, be sure to check out this link for some great Spotify promotion It's a great way to get your music heard by more people and potentially gain new fans.

Edited on by Srimathi787



If they are using the soundtracks for upcoming games they have no need to use Spotify. Why would they let people upload copyright protected IP for. When they can still make money on it.



Because Nintendo are still stuck in the 90's and scared to incorporate modern online practices into their business model.

Old Grumpy and stuck in my ways.


@Eel Ding ding ding

Currently playing: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order



@Eel I think this is exactly why they wouldn't want to sell video game music at all, because they believe the music is part of the total experience when playing their games and not something to be enjoyed separately on your laptop or mobile device while doing other stuff. The entire concept of listening to video game music outside of the video games they come from seems to go against how the music should be enjoyed in their eyes, so they do anything they can to shut it down. Hard to say for sure if that's really the reason because I don't think they've ever really spoken out about this, but that would be the first reason that comes to mind if they don't want any video game music of theirs period.

Edited on by Bolt_Strike


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722 | 3DS Friend Code: 4725-8075-8961 | Nintendo Network ID: Bolt_Strike


The real question is why do you want to listen to vidya game music when you can listen to Prodigy instead! 🤘

Edited on by jump

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

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