
Topic: pokemon sword and sheild are the most hated game of e3

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@NorseGamerTommy Exactly. And that's what is so maddening and disrespectful.

I'm not a Pokemon fan, and so I don't care about National Dex at all. I really don't. I haven't played since B&W and was really anxious to try ANYTHING to be hyped for this game. And while the national dex does not matter to me, the graphics most certainly do.
OoT looking trees, fruit trees that are shaded hideously and don't mend well with their surroundings (you can see both here:, water that looks like an oil spill and fight animations that were used in 2D games. I played PokePark 2 on the Wii, and that game had much more charm and style to it than this.
But the graphics alone isn't the thing making me so mad. It's the fact that Game Freak knows what they're doing about this. They knew 90% of their sales come from casuals or casual's parents and new graphics wouldn't matter for them. They also knew 5% of the fanbase was so dedicated they would constantly support the game no matter what.
Game Freak is not going to waste time, money and other resources fixing something they had already planned to make below-par and something that is unnecessary for 95% customers. It's trashy practice, and what I said about the graphics goes for the National Dex too. (Obviously, though, the hashtags are annoying and unnecessary)

I tried so hard to get into this game, but it looks like I'll have better graphics and more Pokemon if I just played Black and White.

Edited on by someguy050

Right now, I'm sinking my teeth into Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and in a moment I'm going to play Mario Maker 2!
In the future, I can't wait to grind some New Horizons and Link's Awakening!


The worst thing about SwSh is this "fan" reaction. It has made it all but impossible to talk about the game because every conversation is about this entitled fake outrage that "everyone" supposedly has.

And the few of us who are still looking forward to the game are either "casuals" or part of the "problem".

I've played Pokemon since it released in America and have loved the series to date. It's far from perfect but I am very excited to play a full Pokemon RPG on Switch. And yes, despite not having every Pokemon it does appear to still be a full game, with all the battle mechanics, wild Pokemon, and a competitive scene.

Nintendo Switch FC: 4867-2891-2493
Switch username: Em
Discord: Heavyarms55#1475
Pokemon Go FC: 3838 2595 7596
PSN: Heavyarms55zx


Heavyarms55 wrote:

The worst thing about SwSh is this "fan" reaction. It has made it all but impossible to talk about the game because every conversation is about this entitled fake outrage that "everyone" supposedly has.

And the few of us who are still looking forward to the game are either "casuals" or part of the "problem".

I've played Pokemon since it released in America and have loved the series to date. It's far from perfect but I am very excited to play a full Pokemon RPG on Switch. And yes, despite not having every Pokemon it does appear to still be a full game, with all the battle mechanics, wild Pokemon, and a competitive scene.

Let me clarify: if you're into SwSh, then good for you. You're capable of enjoying something that I and many others cannot. However, this outrage is not "entitled fake" outrage. Again, I don't even care about the National Dex. I also was prepared to do ANYTHING to get into this game, because I was desperate to play some Pokemon for the first time since Black and White. With this mindset, I'm still upset with Game Freak because they are lazy, and they know it, but don't care.
Is it "entitled" to want a good game? Is it "entitled" when a company that you have supported in the past throws you under the bus and you get mad? Is it "entitled" that I'm mad that a GAMECUBE GAME LOOKS BETTER THAN SwSh? I understand that you're not seeing the problem in this, but that doesn't mean the problem isn't real.
Now, to call you a "casual" just because you like a game is wrong, nobody should do that. However, you are most certainly "part of the problem". You've fallen right into GameFreak's trap and can't see that you have.
Is this game even a "full POKEMON RPG on Switch"? I don't think so. And now let me address the final words you said:
It's a full game because it has...
1. All the Battle Mechanics. Yes, all the DS battle mechanics. The fighters in SwSh look stationary, and the animations are straight-up ported from 3DS and DS games. The UI is plain, the battle system has not been improved, edited at all. Dynamaxing, for the most part, is uninteresting. Battle Revolution on the Wii has better battles.
2. Wild Pokemon? Does having wild pokemon make it a good and complete game? Even worse, the wild pokemon that roam around in the overworld's animation look lazy. If this is all you want from a Pokemon game, I think you're missing out on the bigger picture.
3. Competitive Scene. Nope. A lot of the competitive fans are not going to buy the game this time, and the player base will largely be casual players. Any competitive fans will, having seen the content of the game, will move on quickly and within a year the scene will be gone.

Right now, I'm sinking my teeth into Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and in a moment I'm going to play Mario Maker 2!
In the future, I can't wait to grind some New Horizons and Link's Awakening!


I think the graphics look good



Battle animations aside, it's a very pretty looking game. I think it'll look especially good undocked.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

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