
Topic: What's the point of thumbs downing a comment?

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The user can't see that their comment has dislikes, anything over 5 is bundled together, and it doesn't do anything like hide the comment if it's terrible enough. I'm just not sure if I'm missing something or just don't get it.

XBox/Steam/Epic: owendershot | Switch friend code: I don't remember, these codes are crazy, I'll check later.
Playstations are fine, but I don't have one.


@antdickens That's a pretty good explanation. Thanks!

XBox/Steam/Epic: owendershot | Switch friend code: I don't remember, these codes are crazy, I'll check later.
Playstations are fine, but I don't have one.


I don't think most people use it for flagging "troublesome" posts, but for simply "disliking" a comment or expressing disapproval without feeling the need to justify or otherwise articulate one's opposition to another person's point of view.

I can't help but imagine that I have quite a lot of 5+ dislikes around here as I am hardly Mr. Popular Opinion. While I am curious about which of my comments may have been divisive, I think I would agonise a little too much over it, so perhaps I am better off left in the dark.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


@Silly_G Same I'm sure. And I guess when I think about it I'd rather have secret dislikes than a barrage of angry replies in my inbox

XBox/Steam/Epic: owendershot | Switch friend code: I don't remember, these codes are crazy, I'll check later.
Playstations are fine, but I don't have one.

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