


  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Twelve: Cook

    Bread to rights

    In the final part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. Today is the day I complete my Life journey in Reveria. All of the Lives I have spent time as, all of the monster parts and mushrooms I have gathered, my fears of a secret organisation creating a new world order...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Eleven: Angler

    The never-ending quest for fewer fish in the sea

    In the eleventh part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. After last week’s work as a mercenary defending Castele and other associated kingdoms from the scourge of overgrown lizards and smaller nuisances, I wanted a change of pace...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Ten: Mercenary

    Paladins go to the palace balls, mercenaries go everywhere else

    In the tenth part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. Last week’s adventure in couch-building and furniture storage left me living large in my well-appointed new digs, the manor house in Castele’s market district. I...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Nine: Carpenter

    We do it awl

    In the ninth part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. Last week’s outdoors adventure in nature walks and axe-handling left me with a dilapidated house full of logs, broken furniture, and a missing cat. Rather than move into the inn permanently and replace said cat I...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Eight: Woodcutter

    If a tree falls in the forest, that was probably me

    In the eighth part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. At the behest of one of the forest spirits I got to know while summoning blasts of elemental energy and healing the scrapes I got from wearing flimsy but fashionable cloth...


  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Seven: Magician

    The guild master keeps asking me witch one

    In the seventh part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. Last week I investigated the potential causes of Reveria’s lack of cemeteries as an alchemist, and although I’m no closer to the answers I sought I did outfit myself with an...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Six: Alchemist

    Things that make you go boom

    In the sixth part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. Last week I got a lesson in Castelean civics as a paladin, and after thinking perhaps a little too much about the fact that no kingdom in Reveria seems to have any cemeteries despite all being...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Five: Paladin

    Turn undead into what?

    In the fifth part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. NOTE: This week's entry contains a spoiler so diabolically genre-ruining that the esteemed Ant Dickens had to program a special tag in the Nintendo Life content management system to contain it. Click on the...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Four: Blacksmith

    The glamour of the hammer

    In the fourth part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. At the end of my turn as a miner I sold off enough of the floor covering of loose ore and gems I had robbed various kingdoms of to make a small path to the door of my small attic room, the bed, the...


  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Three: Miner

    Can U Dig It?

    In the third part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. Clearly tailoring was not my calling, although I managed to stitch up some nice outerwear and the frilliest thing I’d ever be caught alive in, but with city life being all right for the most part yet lacking that...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Two: Tailor

    A stitch of mine makes you look fine

    In the second part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. In addition to this series you can check out our review of the game. *Last week I got my start in Castele and surrounding kingdoms as a hunter, which was nice for exploring the environmen

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Issue One: Hunter

    Wherein I get my start and pick on the local wildlife

    In the first part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. One of Fantasy Life's most notable features — the upcoming life sim/action RPG from Level-5 and Brownie Brown — is that it has twelve jobs, or Lives, that players can...

  • Preview Fantasy Life is Waiting to Become Part of Yours

    Gotta live 'em all!

    Originally released in Japan in late December 2012, Level-5 and Brownie Brown’s part life sim, part action RPG Fantasy Life was announced for the West at this past E3 and will see release in Europe on 26th September and on 24th October in North America for the Nintendo 3DS. Selling over 300,000 copies in its native Japan and...

